Dr Renata Šoštarić, Associate Professor (Faculty of Science)
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Renata Šoštarić is associate professor at the Department of Biology at the Faculty of Science of the University of Zagreb. In 2003 she obtained her PhD in biology from the University of Zagreb. She teaches courses in botany at the Faculty of Science and also teaches course in Bioarchaeology – Archeobotany at the Department of Archaeology of the University of Zadar. She has mentored students for two PhD, one MSc and more than 20 diploma and finale thesis. Renata Šoštarić had scientific specialisations at institutes in Germany and United Kingdom and from 01.10.2000. to 28.02.2002 she was scholar of the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD). She led two projects: Smart Integration of Genetics with Sciences of the Past in Croatia: Minding and Mending the Gap, EU HORIZON 2014-2020 – H2020-TWINN-2015 (co-ordinator for PMF, 2016.-2018.) and Inventarisation of the flora and fauna of water bodies on the territory of “Žumberak-Samoborsko gorje Nature Park, EU-IPA Programme (2011.-2012.). As a researcher she participated in many scientific projects in Croatia and abroad and also made archaeobotanical analyses for more than 30 archaeological localities. She is member of the editorial board in Acta Botanica Croatica. Her scientific interests are in the field of archaeobotany (plant macro-remains) and different archaeological localities from the Prehistory to the Middle Age.
Read more: https://www.pmf.unizg.hr/biol/renata.sostaric
Bibliography: https://www.bib.irb.hr/pregled/znanstvenici/213765?autor=213765